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External Publications

Image by Rostislav Artov

Over 75 senior parliamentarians, former cabinet ministers, military commanders, and security experts call on Europe and Canada to take five immediate measures to secure Ukraine.


Over 100 senior former diplomats, military commanders, intelligence chiefs, defence experts and senior politicians call on Western governments to stand with Ukraine whatever the outcome of the US election.

100 hochrangige ehemalige Diplomaten, Militärkommandeure, Geheimdienstchefs, Verteidigungsexperten und hochrangige Politiker fordern die westlichen Regierungen auf, unabhängig vom Ausgang der US-Wahl an der Seite der Ukraine zu stehen.

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The right to a hopeful future is what sets liberal societies apart from our authoritarian competitors - we have to live up to that in our foreign & domestic policy, argues
Dr. Benjamin Tallis for Dust Magazine

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Reflections after two years of Action Group Zeitenwende
Dr. Benjamin Tallis for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP)

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